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Tours   >   Jordan Tours   >  Classical Jordan 5day Tour

Classical Jordan 5day Tour

4 nights / 5 days

Fully Guided

Jordan Classical Tour Seat in Coach 6Days / 5 Nights

Day 1 :Amman Airport
● Amman Overnight

Meet and assist at Queen Alia Internati onal Airport (Amman Airport) by our staff and transfer to your next desti nati on.

Overnight in Amman hotel.

Day 2 Amman Hotel
● Jerash Visit
● Amman City Tour
● Amman Overnight

Breakfast in Amman hotel.

Jerash / The Greco Roman city of Jerash known as Gerasa in ancient ti mes is 45km north of Amman. Entry to the site is through the imposingHadrian Arch erected to honor the visit of Roman Emperor Hadrian in the 2nd century AD. A tour of the city will includes visits to theHippodrome, the Oval Forum with its 56 Ionic columns, the Temple of Zeus, the 5000 seat South Theater, the Colonnaded Street and the Templeof Artemis.

Visit Highlights: • Hadrian's Arch. • Temple of Artemis. • Oval Plaza.• Colonnaded street. • Temple of Zeus. • South and North theaters. • Hippodrome. • The Jerash Archaeological Museum that displays arti facts excavated from the site.

Visit Durati on: 3 Hours Average

Difficulty Level: Medium

Amman / A modern capital with a populati on of around 4 million people. It's been inhabited since the Neolithic period and was also known asRabath Ammon in the Iron age and Philadelphia during the Greek & Roman ti mes. The Citadel
● located on one of Amman's hills
● is home to theRoman Hercules Temple and Islamic Ummayad Palace. The Citadel overlooks the Roman Amphitheater in downtown Amman, which is cut into theside of a hill and seats more than 6000 spectators.

Visit Highlights:

• The Citadel (Temple of Hercules, Umayyad palace & Byzanti ne church). • Roman amphitheatre. • Downtown gold souk and old city market.

Visit Durati on: 3 Hours Average

Difficulty Level: Low

Overnight in Amman hotel.

Day 3 Amman Hotel
● Madaba Visit
● Mount Nebo Visit
● Umm Rassas Visit
● Petra Overnight

Breakfast in Amman hotel.Madaba / The town of Madaba lies south of Amman along the ancient Kings Highway. The city is known for its spectacular collecti on of Byzanti neMosaics. The Greek Orthodox Church of St George in the center of the town houses the famous Byzanti ne era mosaic map of the Holy Landdepicti ng valleys, hills and villages from Jerusalem to the Nile. Other churches and locati on around the town host other colorful mosaics.Visit Highlights:• Church of St. George
● 6th-century mosaic map of the Holy Land in the Greek Orthodox.• Apostles church.Visit Durati on: 1 Hour AverageDiffi culty Level: LowMount Nebo / Reputed to be Moses burial place aft er he saw the “Promised Land”. From the Franciscan Church built on the remains of theByzanti ne Monastery, there is a commanding view of the Jordan Valley, Dead Sea and the hills of the Holy Land. The interior of the church containsremnants of mosaic fl oors from diff erent periods.

Visit Highlights: • Byzanti ne basilica. • Archeological museum. • Old monastery grounds. • Scenic view of the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea with 4th century mosaic cross.

Visit Durati on: 1:20 Hour Average

Difficulty Level: Low

Umm Rassas / The UNESCO World Heritage site is a few kilometers off the ancient Kings Highway. The archeological site is home to 16 churchesbuilt between the 3rd and 9th centuries AD as well as a forti fi ed Roman Military camp. A number of the churches have well preserved mosaicfl oors depicti ng trees, birds, animals and even towns and citi es that were important at the ti me.

Visit Highlights: • Three Byzanti ne era churches. • Mosaics.

Visit Durati on: 1 Hour Average

Difficulty Level: Low

Overnight in Petra hotel.

Day 4 Petra Hotel
● Petra Visit
● Wadi Rum Visit
● Wadi Rum Overnight

Breakfast in Petra hotel.Petra / The capital city of the Nabatean Arabs is one of the most famous archeological sites in the world and Jordan's nati onal treasure. Petra –which means Rose Red city, gets its name from the color of the rocky mountains the city is carved into. The city prospered in the 1st century ADthrough the trade of frankincense, myrrh, and spices. The Romans annexed the thriving city, but abandoned it in mid of the 4th century aft er astrong earthquake hit the city. The city was rediscovered by a Swiss explorer Johannes Burckhardt in 1812. Today Petra is a UNESCO WorldHeritage site and is visited by thousands of people every day.Visit Highlights:• The Siq.• Al Khazneh (The Treasury) a temple with an ornate 45m-high Greek-style façade.• Royal tombs.• Amphitheatre.• Colonnaded street.• Qasr Al Bint.• Extra free ti me to explore, visit the “Dier” or monastery.Visit Durati on: 4 Hours AverageDiffi culty Level: Medium Wadi Rum / A colorful desert with sandstone mountains and sheer cliff s that resemble a landscape from Mars. It's a unique landscape that hasbeen the backdrop of several Hollywood fi lms over the years. Tourists fl ock to this desert to enjoy watching sunsets, desert safaris, trekking,camping and other adventurous acti viti es.

Visit Highlights: • Natural rock scapes. • Sand dunes. • Ancient inscripti ons.4x4 Pickup Tour Highlights: • Khazali canyon and prehistoric inscripti ons and carvings. • Tea with bedouins. • Lawrence's spring, a natural watering hole.

Visit Durati on: 2 Hours Average

Difficulty Level: Low $ Overnight in Wadi Rum camp.

Day 5 Wadi Rum Camp
● Kerak Visit
● Dead Sea Visit
● Amman Overnight

Breakfast in Wadi Rum camp.

Kerak / At 900 meters above sea level, the Crusader Castle of Kerak – one of the largest in the Levant
● is dominati ng. Due to its locati on east of theDead Sea, Crac des Moabites (Kerak of Moab) as the Crusaders called it controlled the trade route between Damascus, Egypt and Mecca . Thecastle and the city were later taken over by the Muslim armies of Saladin. Today Kerak is a thriving city with a populati on of around 170,000inhabitants.Visit Highlights:• Kerak castle.

Visit Durati on: 1 Hour Average

Difficulty Level: Medium

Dead Sea / A salt lake whose banks are more than 400m below sea level, the lowest point on dry land. It's famously hypersaline water makesfl oati ng easy, and its mineral-rich black mud is used for therapeuti c and cosmeti c treatments at area resorts. The surrounding desert off ers manyoases and historic sites.

Visit Highlights:• Entrance to Dead Sea Spa hotel.• Free ti me at Dead Sea. Visit Duration: Sunrise to Sunset Hours

Difficulty Level: Low

Overnight in Amman hotel.

Day 6

Amman Hotel
● Amman Airport Departure

Breakfast in Amman hotel.Transfer to Queen Alia Internati onal Airport (Amman Airport) for departure formalities.

Our Tours includes the following ground arrangements

-Transfers to and from the airport -English speaking guide on days there are tours. -Sightseeing as per the tour itinerary in air-conditioned cars/coaches and Bedouin jeeps in Wadi Rum -Entrance fees to sites mentioned in the itinerary. -Accommodation in twin-bedded rooms with daily breakfast. -Dinner is included in Wadi Rum Camps -Entrace fees to the Beach for the 3 star Category since these hotels are not on the beach. -Services of our ground tour director and guide on touring days only

Not included in the price are international flights. Please ask our sales team for assistance.


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